
Stephan Ludwig
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Ludwig has been Professor of Digital Technologies at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science at Aalen University since March 2021 and focuses his teaching and research on data transmission, digital signal processing for radar technology, and error correction methods.

Doris Aschenbrenner
Prof. Dr. Doris Aschenbrenner is an endowed professor of the CZS: Professor for "Digital Methods in Production" at Aalen University (funded by the Carl Zeiss Foundation). Her research focus is the "Operator 4.0" in the digitalized factory, so she researches among other things human-robot interaction with augmented reality. She is active in numerous committees, among others she is a member and topic sponsor in the expert dialogue within the framework of the "AI Observatory" of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, in the German Institute for Standardization in the standardization roadmap on artificial intelligence and a member of the board of trustees of the Institute for Enterprise Cybernetics at RWTH Aachen University.